Short Update...
Just a few thoughts. Generally, session four completed well. I find myself still tiring easily. It is a day seven, and that's longer than recovery has taken in previous adventures.
On the other hand, I was able to handle a very busy weekend. The highlights included participating on Friday night in "Aggie Muster." This traditional gathering of A&M alums salutes those Aggies who have passed on during the preceding 12 months. Though my emotions seem to run the gamut these days, and may be the most visible outcome of the treatments, I was able to enjoy and support the company of Uncle Paul's dear friend Chuck.
So I'm doing ok, though I'm anxious about how the summer will feel with this lingering fatigue...if it gets worse I'll need to look at curtailing activities, which I don't like. But if it is sporadic, I can look at activities to slow down...rather than remove...from life's busy schedule.
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