Sunday, August 31, 2008

Jimmy, Judy & Mark visit Manassas

What a lovely Fathers' Day present! After several months of planning and anticipation, Jillian and I traveled east this week to visit Billy & Liz over the holiday weekend. Vickie, just one week into her school year, joined us so that we could all stand with Jimmy Buffett and sing to our heart's desire. We are the "grass people" our parents warned us about.

We discovered many things. Humidity makes 83 degrees much hotter than we'd imagined. People who attend Buffett concerts away from Portland have a special advantage, they can tailgate and begin their cocktail hours several hours before the concert itself. In this case, we'd targeted our arrival at 2:30 for an 8:00 concert, in hopes that we'd get special parking in the VIP lot. Not only did people arrive at noon for that parking lot, it was badly oversold by the time we arrived. Pirates, adorable women in grass skirts, pick-up trucks converted to hot tubs demonstrated that Portland has a long ways to travel to move into the big leagues of Buffett concerts.

We had nearly five hours to establish our good time, and succeeded quite nicely. It was a cute demonstration of subliminal instruction...the girls have clearly learned, through subliminal instruction as Dad drove around in his car, most of the words to most of the Buffett catalogue. Twenty thousand smiling fans of all ages showed off their pirate attire and sang along with Jimmy.

More important than the lyrics, or the crowd, was the delightful time with three of the most important women in my life. Having Billy do all the driving and manage our times, directions and tickets was a bonus. He seemed to enjoy himself, as well, though I'm not convinced his parents put him through the subliminal training that the Chambers Children endured. He's a great addition to the "Chambers Children" even though he doesn't see it quite that way!

As this cancer journey progresses, with reasonable prognosis at present, I realize that every moment is precious, and that every smile is a bonus. I've put so much stress into the lives of so many people that getting the chance to see them smile in that One Particular Harbour we enjoy together gives me pride, great joy, and energy to continue forward.

Keep smiling with us, and enjoy your Labor Day weekend!


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