Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A name??

Juliet:"What's in a name?
That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet."
Romeo and Juliet (II, ii, 1-2)

Really fun weekend, this past. Connor, Caleb and I hit the city to pick up some Duck stuff, leaving Grandma Judy alone with her Christmas cards and letter. Shaye & Eric needed some time without the boys to see if they could sit on Santa’s lap. We all had times to be in certain places, because we wanted to watch the West Linn Lions play basketball at 7:30…and we needed to consume some wine with our hot dogs a the “pre-function” party.

“Are you boys bolted in?” It is so much easier to take kids places when we’re not struggling with seatbelts, worrying about Chicken McNuggets spilling on the back seat and “where did my Lego go?” every step of the way. But the fun doesn’t end there.


I’ve been called many things. Some of them printable here. Marky. MarkyMark. Marko. MarkBrother. SunHoney. Stroker. CHAMbers...

Some of them not…


Oregon P*****Boy. D***head. Our favorite Pr****. “Hey YOU, the one with the tiny colon." "Oh Chubby One-Kenobi."


It took three times, while I was thinking about our route for the day, for me to figure out that Caleb and Connor were talking to ME. From time to time, we’ve see them giggle and slip, and introduce me as “kinda this grandpa guy, Mark.” Most usually, though, I wait for them to say “Mawk” or some variation on that theme. I know then I should look up, determine an appropriate response like "how DO you stick those spoons on your nose?" and off we go.

They talk about Grandpa Lee, and are excited to have Grandpa Mike here for the holidays. I guess I don’t get more of my name, and maybe Grandpa Mike doesn’t when he’s here, either. It was tender, caring, and fun. Even with my poor hearing, I know that I heard it three times, it simply didn't register the first two...

But when they had to raise their combined voices for me to pay attention, it took awhile for me to stop giggling. Any wonder we had a good trip to the Duck Store??

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Work??!! ME??

A week following my return to the office, and I'm still able to get things done. It was a little difficult the first few days, probably because the very helpful Ms. Kelly was on vacation in Hawai'i. I actually had to do things myself!

Thankfully, people were very nice and at least acted like there were things I'd have accomplished that didn't get done because I was gone. Maybe there are reasons I keep going into the office every morning, after all. Everyone has been warm and wonderful.

I feel well, haven't really felt like the sky is falling any more. If you begin to feel that way, have a look at one of our hospitals in Portland. Too bad no one thinks colon lesions are hip!


More when I'm not rushing around...but I wanted to say thanks, and yes...I'm back in the office!!